Partner Program

  • 10:00: Registration in Hotel Lobby
  • 12:00: Light Lunch in Hotel Restaurant
  • 19:00 – 21:00: Walking diner for non-Board members at the hotel, kindly offered by METRICORR
  • 19:30 Departure Board Members and Invitees to Board Diner Restaurant (by tour car)
  • 09:00: Meet Hotel Lobby, guide will pick you up
  • 09:30: Walking tour “Highlights of Leuven, Large Beguinage, Town Hall, Saint Peter’s Church”
  • 12:00: Light Lunch at Hotel Restaurant
  • 13:30: Meet at Hotel Lobby to visit abbey (small bus) 
  • 14:00: Premonstratensian Abbey (small bus)
  • 16:30: Hotel Return
  • 18:30: Meet at Hotel Lobby and bus transfer to restaurant (all)
  • 19:00 – 22:30: Congress Diner – Faculty Club Leuven
  • 09:00: Meet Hotel Lobby, guide will pick you up
  • 09:30: Walking tour “New Urban Developpements, Small Beguinage, …”
  • 12:00 Light Lunch in City Centre
  • 13:00 University Library (tower) and Ladeuze
  • 16:30 Hotel Return 
  • Morning free to visit Leuven, to shop, to …
  • 12:00: Light Lunch at Hotel Restaurant